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Farm Stand is Open!
52 Varieties of Tomato Seedlings are on tables for sale

We’ll Be Selling Seedlings and Produce on 6/19/24
at the Grafton Farmers Market

If you have driven by recently, you likely saw the new stand housing the new fridge! Huzzah!

We also have peppers, eggplants, and lots of culinary herb seedlings


We’ll have a vast array of tomatoes (52 varieties), peppers, eggplant, and herbs for sale – including basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, chives, oregano, dill, sage, tarragon, cilantro, lemon grass and mint.


We’ll have greens, peas, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, summer squash and other small root vegetables this season. And that peach tree is looking good this year! And those raspberries, too…

Wood Products

We hope to have bowls, cutting boards, dibblers, etc. Likely next year. But I’ll start setting out crates of kiln-dried kindling and fire wood this season.